9h15 – 9h30

Welcome Session

9h15 – 9h30

9h30 – 10h45

Roundtable - Educational Robotics: Enhancing Understanding and Making Learning More Fun

9h30 – 10h45

11h30 – 11h55

URG News on NAO & Pepper: Applications and Updates for Various Educations Segments

11h30 – 11h55

11h55 – 12h05

My Friend NAO & Blockly for NAO: the Software Suite to Use NAO with Kids

11h55 – 12h05

Presentation of the two software solutions developed by ERM Robotique to facilitate the use of NAO with children for primary education and autism. 'My Friend NAO' comprises a set of educational activities designed for NAO and tablets. 'Blockly for NAO' is the solution for programming NAO using the popular Blockly blocks.

12h05 – 12h20

12h05 – 12h20

Rob'Autism project was initiated in 2014. Every year since then, six teenagers have been supported within this program to improve their social skills. The program consists of 21 sessions, alternating between 10 non-robot sessions and 10 robot programming sessions during which they design a play in which the main actor is a robot. The play is presented to a larger audience during the 21st session. Rob'Autism is a systematic approach that can be identically reproduced by any institution. One of its original features is the use of the robot as a communication prosthesis for ASD participants. They program the robot to speak or perform actions on their behalf in the outside world, while they remain safely protected within the rigid enclosure of the machine

12h20 – 12h45

”VenividiVici!” - What is NAO up to in Malmö?

12h20 – 12h45

Administrators and teachers from schools in Malmö share their work, students' experiences, ideas, challenges and objectives by working with NAO and students aged 6 to 16 years old.

14h00 – 14h25

NAO Challenge : Students imagine societal solutions programming humanoid robots

14h00 – 14h25

14h25 – 14h50

Learning with Partner/Social Robots through Competitions and Beyond

14h25 – 14h50

Can you imagine classrooms where AI powered robots are helping students learning or supporting children learn at home? Partner/Social Robots are in development to support/collaborate with humans. Some of those robots, including Pepper and NAO, are already available for humans to interact with. This presentation focuses on students’ learning experience while programming and learning with Pepper and what and how students learn as well as how teachers can support their learning.

14h50 – 15h15

Learning AI and Building Robots

14h50 – 15h15

 The RoboCup@Home Education initiative was started with a simple intention to facilitate technically complex service robot development for novice teams and even young schoolchildren. The service robot development involves many practical AI applications solving real world problems in various domains including human robot interaction, navigation and mapping in dynamic environments, computer vision, object recognition and manipulation . Under the education initiative, a novel AI learning approach was formulated after several cycles of the organization of workshop-based service robot challenge with team centered competition design. Not only a learning framework was created, but the effort has also been developed into a more formal education system, together with compatible hardware, software and courseware, with the aim to provide practical AI education for nontechnical beginners and young schoolchildren.

16h00 – 16h25

Elias & NAO: When Robotics Meets Language Education

16h00 – 16h25

Explore the ELIAS app, a language learning tool designed to improve speaking skills and tailored to be fully compatible with NAO. Discover its features and practical applications in real classrooms. Educators will share their firsthand experiences, which, combined with research findings, highlight how ELIAS boosts motivation, enriches classroom engagement, and fosters a relaxed, attentive learning environment for students.

16h25 – 16h50

NAO Teaching Lithuanian Road Traffic Rules Using the Local Language

16h25 – 16h50

In Lithuania, NAO is teaching first-year schoolchildren road traffic rules. Since children at such an early age cannot fully understand and communicate in foreign languages, such as English, it is vital for the robot to be able to interact fully in the local language. The robot NAO also influences children to be more attentive and focused when listening to the lesson and questions provided by the NAO robot. Another unique advantage of using a NAO robot is that, since the children are extremely motivated to interact with it, the robot encourages them to speak their natural language with correct pronunciation, tone, and timing. In the meantime, the teachers only need to support the robot, without the need to speak.

16h50 – 17h15

Social Robots to Improve the Rehabilitation Experience

16h50 – 17h15

The need for new rehabilitation approaches arises from patients' lack of commitment to treatment, which negatively affects their quality of life. Inrobics Rehab is the first physical, cognitive, and social stimulation system based on social robotics and artificial intelligence for patients with functional and neurological diversity. It is a great ally for healthcare professionals and the best companion for patients, as it improves efficiency and makes therapies more enjoyable and fun.

17h45 – 18h00

Closing Session

17h45 – 18h00

18h00 – 20h00